Decorating a Scottish Farm Holiday Home

Decorating a Scottish Farm Holiday Home

People will regularly flock to the beautiful Scottish highlands in order to take in the gorgeous scenery. In the past, these areas contained a large number of working farms. However, due to increased economic pressures, some highland farm businesses have had to adapt. Instead of harvesting and selling produce, they will rent out their property to holidaymakers. It has become a very lucrative way for farmers to stay afloat.

It is vital that a Scottish farm holiday homeowner decorates their interiors properly. The wall décor in particular needs to have a mass appeal. Farmers can purchase posters from the website Dear Sam. In addition, there are numerous print options in their catalogue.

Bucolic Posters

Tourists tend to choose Scotland because of its remote rural atmosphere. It, therefore, makes sense if the interior design of the holiday home also has a bucolic quality to it. The images placed on the walls can depict nature and animals. It is best to stick to species that are native to Scotland. These kinds of posters help to create a consistent link between the inside of the farm and the exterior. Tourists with an eye for detail will undoubtedly appreciate this stylistic choice.

Recycled Posters

A lot of people choose farms because they want to experience ecotourism. This is a kind of holiday that emphasises sustainability as much as possible. If the farmer engages in carbon-neutral practices, then guests are sure to be impressed. For example, the posters on the property can all be recycled. There is a section on the Dear Sam website that offers these kinds of prints. Recycled posters are also very affordable, so the décor will not eat too much into the farms budget.

Modern Art Styles

While rural prints are popular, they are not always the best choice. If the Scottish farm has only recently been built, then it does not have to conform to a rustic aesthetic. Instead, the artwork displayed within it could have a much more modern style. These properties usually appeal to a high-end clientele. Therefore the owner will have to choose posters that are minimalist without seeming tacky. Black and white colour schemes go well with many different interiors. Art Deco is another popular option to consider.

Wine Iconography

Scotland might not be a nation well known for its wine production. In fact, many people will assume that whiskey is its most popular alcoholic drink. However, over the years, a number of excellent wineries have popped up in the highlands. If the farmer wants to celebrate this culture, then a wine-themed poster will work well. They could even place a complimentary bottle of locally produced wine in the fridge.
